We are honored that you and your surgeon have chosen our facility for your upcoming procedure!

The staff and expert medical team at PSCA will do all we can to ensure that you are comfortable, well cared for and experience the best results possible! 

Please remember that your primary relationship is with your SURGEON.  If there is information on our site that contradicts your surgeon’s instruction you should contact their office for clarification.

One Week Before Surgery

  • Review the pre-op instructions provided by your surgeon. Call their office if there is something that is unclear.
  • If you are taking a blood thinner please discuss with your surgeon if it will impact your surgery.

    • Patients whom require INR with medications (such as Warfarin or Coumadin), please have your INR check within 24-48 hours of your scheduled surgery.
    • IMPORTANT: If your INR reading is higher than 3.0 please contact your surgeon immediately as this could result in cancellation.
  • Fill all prescriptions required for your surgery, and bring them to your surgery.
  • Follow all medication instructions, including starting and stopping any medications as directed by your surgeon.
  • Arrange to have an adult drive you to and from your scheduled surgery – this individual is required to stay on site during your procedure. You will be unable to drive until 48 hours after anesthesia so you will also require transportation to your first post op visit.
  • If there is a possibility you are pregnant, please inform us!

Your Surgery

  • Do not eat or drink anything as instructed by surgeon’s directions. This includes candy, gum, cough drops and mints. (Unless specifically instructed otherwise)
  • Take medications as normal the morning of surgery with a small sip of water, EXCEPT Diabetes medications should not be taken (i.e. metformin, Humalog, etc), unless otherwise instructed by your surgeon.
  • Do not wear contact lenses. Bring your glasses, hearing aids and dentures with their cases for safe storage.
  • Please remove all jewelry and piercings prior to coming.
  • For your comfort, wear loose fitting comfortable clothing, preferably something that buttons or zips.
  • Do not wear makeup or perfume to surgery.
  • Please leave all valuables and money at home.
  • Please arrive on time.


  • Recovery time varies by patient but is usually between 15 minutes to 2 hours.
  • After surgery, you will be monitored by a specially trained recovery nurse.
  • Once at home, you should rest for the first 24 hours under the observation of a responsible adult who can assist with post op care as directed.
  • Urgent concerns should not wait. Contact your SURGEON immediately for any problems following your surgery.